hilleho residence
Praha, Česká Republika
niive studio
In the midst of one of the most beautiful parts in the city of Brno, close to Lužáneckého park, this historical gem of a building is hidden. A very tasteful and impressible renovation executed under the lead of architectonic studio “A77 Architekti”, has brought back life to the amazing neorenaissance building built by architect F.A. Dvořák. The reconstruction was done in pursuit of sustaining the genius loci of the location.
Materials of the highest quality were sourced and used to create apartments which meet nowadays requirements of modern design and housing. The apartments are dominated by wood as the most used material. To preserve the historical spirit, the classic herringbone composition was chosen, to give it a modern twist, a wider format was used.
The Hille’s Residence offers a timeless and luxurious living, which is complimented by interior accessories such as hand woven carpets by Maimana.
Specifikace zvoleného materiálu a detaily o projektu
herringbone 90°- evropský dub bez suků
jemně kartáčovaný povrch
přírodní olej na zakázku
vedení projektu: Ing. Margarita Nikoliqi
montáž podlahy: Ondřej Laucký
photography: A77 architekti
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